Properties for sale in Cala Blanca, Jávea

You have chosen to view properties to buy in the area of Cala Blanca, Jávea. Property types available for sale in Cala Blanca include villas, apartments, penthouses, groundfloor apartments, houses. In this page you can find from "Newly built duplex penthouse in cala blanca, jávea (alicante)" for €455k listed by Rimontgo to "Project for a traditional villa in the urbanisation of la cala, jávea" for €900k from Blue Square reachable right now at +34 965 02 09 33.

Apartment for sale in Cala Blanca

455,000 €
  • 94 m² built
  • 3 beds
  • 2 baths

50 meters from the sea! Residencial Athens-82 is composed of 17 houses, of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms, distributed on the ground floor, ...

+34 965 791 035 Rimontgo

Buy Cala Blanca duplex penthouse

455,000 €
  • 98 m² built
  • 2 beds
  • 3 baths

50 meters from the sea! Residencial Athens-82 is composed of 17 houses, of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms, distributed on the ground floor, ...

+34 965 791 035 Rimontgo

Buy Cala Blanca apartment

355,000 €
  • 77 m² built
  • 2 beds
  • 2 baths

50 meters from the sea! Residencial Athens-82 is composed of 17 houses, of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms, distributed on the ground floor, ...

+34 965 791 035 Rimontgo